1.       I do not think it is possible to fully understand the Bible, not because of the different translations and interpretations, but because it is not possible to fully understand the author(s) of the Bible as well as the Divine author.

2.       Yes, during my research I was planning on including more modern day interpretations such as The Message. I feel like it is an effective way to reach the news of Christ to others whom may not have listened when kept in its original context, yet with research I have concluded that it isn’t the most effective because much of what the Holy Spirit breathed into the Bible was lost.

3.       My paper definitely reflects a certain denomination of Christianity; especially because I am more familiar with one specific denomination, but I tried my best to represent how Christ’s church was separated into other denominations as well.

4.       These definitely should have been included in my research.


1.       I think it is good that the Bible has been translated so that those who don’t understand the original languages know about Christ but I am glad and think it is wonderful that some words in the Bible are still kept in their original language, such as Abba and Maranatha.

2.       Different translations of the Bible support Christianity as a whole, although as researched, it pushes against each individual cohort, keeping them separated and destroying their unification.

3.       I think it is both, that things are misunderstood through multiple interpretations, but that also words that don’t have an exacts meaning in other languages are being lost in multiple translations.